Posts Tagged ‘Joker’

Week two-twelve of Operation Graphite – theme: The Fool.

And now we have passed the annual worst day on the internet. I’m glad we all survived. My favorite (or least favorite) was the rumor that despite poor critical reception of the new Batman V Superman, Zack Snyder would be directing one of the upcoming Star Wars films. My heart sunk into my chest, until I relaxed what day it was. Fuck you Internet.

Contributing Jokers:

Micah – Fool

Shock – Maybe that last joke crossed a line.

Week seventy eight of Operation Graphite – theme: Gotham City Villains.

Shock - Ra s Al Goul

Maybe the League of Shadows is onto something. Gotham City is a cesspool of crime, corruption and decay. You really think some guy in a cape will help it? Ok, really about two dozen guys and gals with capes, and we’re not even talking about super humans here, you think they could keep Gotham safe? No, that city is a lost cause. Imagine Detroit, not present day Detroit, but Robocop Detroit. Now quadruple the crime and give every psychopath twenty henchmen with matching outfits. No, the only to clean up Gotham is to Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Shock – Ra’s al Ghul

The theme selected for week seventy eight of Operation Graphite will be: Gotham City Villains.



In the quest for a crowd pleasing theme for this week’s Grey Op, Batman was the first thing to come to mind. But instead of Batman, how about Batman’s many, many enemies. Take your pick out of one of Gotham City’s many Villains.

Please submit any drawing or painting, using traditional or digital media, of a Gotham City Villain.

All art work is due on Thursday, 8.22.13. Submissions will be published the following Friday, 8.23.13.