Operation Guidelines

Operations will commence each week based on a new theme.

Works of art can be drawings or paintings using traditional media or digital tools. No photography or sculpture allowed.

Works of art need to be submitted on the Thursday night of the Operation’s deadline. Works that have not been submitted by the time of the Friday Morning Posting will miss out on the Operation for the week.

Submitted works can be finished pieces, rough sketches, or works in progress.

Artwork file sizes should retain quality, but remain small. Files should be in Jpeg format, less than 500k in size and Aprox. 900 x 1200 pixels in dimension.

Comments, discussions and critiques will be encouraged between members of the Operation Graphite Corps

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

All artwork on this site is Copyrighted. The “After Action Report” works are all Copyrighted, with rights belonging to the individual Graphite Corps members. Artwork and imagery shown in the “Mission Briefing” posts are collected from the internet and used to illustrate next weeks theme. Use of these works may constitute as contextual “Fair Use,” and credit is given to these works if the artwork source had verifiable information to accompany it.

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