Posts Tagged ‘Crusher’

Week eighty four of Operation Graphite – theme: Star Trek

Star Trek is still on that cusp of nerdom, where one is still a bit of a pariah for being too devoted a follower. With the rise of nerd and geek culture infiltrating, and to some extent, taking over pop culture, the Trek-verse is no longer something that could get you shunned for liking. And with popular, yet polarizing JJ Abrams films, Trek has become even more main stream. One wonders what kind of nerdy activity could make one an outcast in this day and age?

Contributing Trekies:

kalebschad – Enterprise

Shock – Andorian

Thank you for Contributing.

The theme selected for week eighty four of Operation Graphite will be: Star Trek.

star-trek-II-the-wrath-of-khan crop


Star Trek was once considered one of the nerdiest franchises to be a fan of. It still kinda is, but is certainly is a great deal more acceptable than it once was. I spent a gratuitous amount of adolescent time drawing the various ships in the Star Trek Universe. Sometimes those ships were along side the ships from other franchises, which is why charts like this one are so enjoyable to me. This week is not necessarily about the ships, but anything in the Star Trek universe, character, ship, or creature. Feel fee to look for inspiration in the Cannon Universe, Mirror Universe or the Lens Flare universe.

Please submit any drawing or painting, using traditional or digital media, that fits the theme: Star Trek.

All art work is due on Thursday, 10.3.13. Submissions will be published the following Friday, 10.4.13.