Posts Tagged ‘Big Cat’

Week one-twenty-seven of Operation Graphite – theme: Big Cats.

Shock - Stalking Lioness

As someone who is has always appreciated animals, especially the big cats, I felt this was a good way to kick off a string of animal themed Ops. Big cats are amazing, they are dangerous apex predators, yet there are  times where can almost imagine them as cute and cuddly. It’s that blend of ferocity and tenderness that makes them so fascinating. In the past, animal themes only showed up once a year for the Chinese Zodiac. Now I hope to throw a few more fauna themes there to break the usual geeky themes.

Shock – Stalking Lioness

The theme selected for week one-twenty-seven of Operation Graphite will be: Big Cats.


An important thing to remember when going to the zoo on a hot, summer day, many of the fiercer apex predators will be asleep if you visit them mid afternoon. Of course, if your intent is to see these magnificent murder machines looking cuter than any predator should ever be, then by all means, mid day is the way to go.

Please submit any drawing or painting, using traditional or digital media, that fits the theme: Big Cats.

All art work is due on Thursday, 8.7.14 Submissions will be published the following Friday, 8.8.14