Posts Tagged ‘Aphrodite’

Week eighty of Operation Graphite – theme: Greek Mythology.

Unfortunately, I’m a little frustrated with my submission this week. I had plenty of time, and even sketched out some ideas, but nothing quite clicked. For one of my favorite subjects, I really hoped I could have pulled something great together. Of course it is a theme I can always come back to, and even I need to remember that Grey Ops are less about grand, laborious  works and more about quick, fun sketches.  Thank you to my band of brothers for having my back.

Contributing works:

Micah – Forgotten Gods

shawnbrookwilliams – Cyclops vs. Siren

Shock – Dionysus

The theme selected for week eighty of Operation Graphite will be: Greek Mythology.

Florence Uffizi Birth of Venus cropped via Wikimedia


Greek Mythology, where the Romans go when they can’t make up their own gods, or where Hollywood goes for character names, though they don’t pay much attention to the original stories. Unlike many monotheistic religions, the Greek Pantheon of gods are not perfect beings; they are just as flawed as humans, maybe more flawed, but with superpowers and really messed up origins stories. Then there are the heroic mortals and demi-gods with their wild adventures that have been told, and retold, for millennia.

Please submit any drawing or painting, using traditional or digital media, that fits the theme: Greek Mythology.

All art work is due on Thursday, 9.5.13. Submissions will be published the following Friday, 9.6.13.